Meanwhile, Howick War Memorial Hall lies idle

Meanwhile, Howick War Memorial Hall lies idle

It is worth noting, with local body elections looming, that the only reason that the Howick War Memorial Hall lies idle and unused is the inability of the local board and Auckland Council to decide on a principal tenant.

This building, a valuable community asset which could be used by countless organisations on both long and short-term rentals, obviously needs an already-established entity to manage both long-term tenants and, as many local organisations would hope, such events as short-term exhibitions etc.

It seems to me that there is something amiss when the Uxbridge Centre, who apparently applied to be that entity, appears to be completely overlooked by whoever is supposed to be deciding the building’s fate despite the fact that this is exactly what they do every day.

Perhaps there is actually another agenda at play here?

Marty Kebble
Pakuranga Heights
