Beautiful seaside town made famous by TV drama becoming ‘tired and tatty’ | UK | News

A beautiful seaside town in Dorset which became famous after a TV drama is now becoming “tired and tatty” as locals complain about various issues. West Bay is a popular tourist destination during summer due to its picturesque beach and lively mood.

However, residents complain that it is being “forgotten” and left to pile up with rubbish, while idiot tourists risk their lives on its crumbling cliffs for souvenir photos, reported The Sun.

The tourist destination is struggling with a rat and seagull problem, a crumbling harbour wall, sky-high parking prices and stinking blocked drains.

Located on the Jurassic Coast, the beach and harbour became a tourist magnet after Olivia Colman and David Tennant filmed the popular crime drama, Broadchurch, there from 2013-2017.

Six years later, locals claim that West Bay is now strewn with litter and in need of a string of other work to make it more attractive to visitors.

Simon Myles who runs his boat charter business from the harbour in the town said that he has raised the issue of the lack of bins and the “tired and tatty” state of the seaside town with Dorset Council’s harbour committee.

As head of the town’s Harbour Consultative Committee, he said: “A number of people on the committee, including the harbour tradesperson’s rep, raised the issue of more bins being needed.

“We also need more signage to stop people feeding the seagulls, as we have a real problem with them, the same as a lot of coastal towns. If people feed them, it encourages them to attack people for food.

“They’re scavengers by nature so if the bins are overflowing it’s easy pickings for them. The people who empty them to a good job, but often than not, they’re still overflowing because there just aren’t enough of them.

“Part of the issue with it looking tired and tatty stems from the resources available. We’re desperately in need of more bins, it’s a public health issue.

“Some would say we get forgotten about compared to other places, so we just have to shout more loudly to get things done.”

Another local, Andrew Bateman, 42, who runs three kiosks – Ships Galley, Bay View Fish and Chips and By the Bridge doughnut shop near the harbour said: “We usually have more bins put here in the summer, but they haven’t arrived this year. The council have also taken some bins away while works were being done on the bridge and haven’t put them back.

“The bins are emptied three times a day, with the last time being between 5-6pm, but our busy time starts at 6pm, so by 9pm they’re overflowing, and the seagulls pull it all out and the rubbish ends up blows all over the bay, and then it becomes a right mess.

“We had a big problem with rats last year, they were living by the rocks by the Harbour Master’s office, but they don’t seem so much of a problem since the council put bait stations down.”

Dorset Council said they aim to start repair work on the harbour wall and drainage problems near the Harbour Master’s office between late autumn and late winter.

In response to complaints about “high volumes of litter”, they told us that two additional bins had been installed.

When asked about providing more bins in the future, the council told us they “will continue to review the situation”.

They added: “But any changes introduced will have to be affordable and consider the visual impact of further litter bins.”

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