Raphaël Glucksmann desires the institution of “legal immigration routes” in Europe | EUROtoday

The candidate of the Socialist Party and Place publique within the European elections, Raphaël Glucksmann, defended, Friday March 29 on franceinfo, the institution of “legal immigration routes” in Europe.

He advocates improvement “quotas based on the needs of European economies” and refutes the “ delusion “ absolute walls and zero immigration. A speech that runs counter to that advocated by far-right groups, who are at the top of the polls, a few weeks before the European elections.

Today, “we clearly feel that there is a problem of integration so there is a revolt sweeping across Europe and an affirmation of the extreme right on this issue”, he said. Gold “when you have the capacity to travel back and forth with your country of origin, you settle infinitely less permanently in Europe”he reported, castigating oppositions accusing him of having a “idealistic speech”.

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“Get out of chaos”

The candidate who is leading the race on the left in the polls has also justified his intention to “vote against the majority of texts” making up the Asylum Immigration Pact. After more than three years of tough negotiations, the Council and the European Parliament have reached agreement on the reform of the European migration system. The European Parliament must vote definitively on this agreement on April 10, the aim being to adopt it before the European elections on June 9.

“This text, which was supposed to respond to the chaos of European migration policies, imposes filtering and repressive measures on entry but does not impose solidarity and a common migration policy”he argues, including: “ the challenge was to get out of the chaos created by what we call Dublin, that is to say a reception system which places all the burden on the countries of entry, Italy and Greece »he detailed.

Called Dublin III, this regulation signed in 2023 between member countries of the European Union, as well as Switzerland, Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein, delegates responsibility for examining a person's asylum application. refugee in the first country that welcomed him.

In reality, the pact does not provide for distribution » migrants denounces Mr. Glucksman. “ With this text, we can, for example, when we are Viktor Orban [le Premier ministre d’extrême droite hongrois] decide that its contribution to European solidarity is to finance barbed wire around Hungary and not to welcome asylum seekers”.

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“Dublin is a human catastrophe, it’s a political catastrophe, it creates chaos, it makes people sleep in the streets, it moves from country to country”he insisted, advocating the same rules for “Sweden and France and Greece”. He recalls that the priority is to save people in the Mediterranean: “ everyone has become accustomed to our sea becoming a cemetery. There is not a word about it in this pact. We must restart rescue operations,” he implored.

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