Berlin: Motorcyclist severely injured in accident | EUROtoday

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An ambulance drives to an operation.
© Sebastian Gollnow/​dpa

In an accident on Sunday afternoon, a 66-year-old motorcyclist and a automotive collided and the biker was severely injured. As a police spokesman introduced on Monday, the motorcyclist switched to the left lane on the 111 motorway between the Berlin state border and Hennigsdorf and was hit by the automotive of a 46-year-old, who was additionally altering lanes. The motorcyclist braked abruptly, flew over his handlebars and was severely injured on impression. A helicopter took the 66-year-old to the hospital. The driver was reportedly unhurt.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:240408-99-596007/3

In an accident on Sunday afternoon, a 66-year-old motorcyclist and a automotive collided and the biker was severely injured. As a police spokesman introduced on Monday, the motorcyclist switched to the left lane on the 111 motorway between the Berlin state border and Hennigsdorf and was hit by the automotive of a 46-year-old, who was additionally altering lanes. The motorcyclist braked abruptly, flew over his handlebars and was severely injured on impression. A helicopter took the 66-year-old to the hospital. The driver was reportedly unhurt.