Valérie Hayer opens a tough sequence on immigration | EUROtoday

Lhe debate was to be a possibility to defend the presidential camp's European report on immigration. It changed into a entice. Invited, Monday April 8, on CNews to debate with Marion Maréchal, the top of the Reconquête! record, Valérie Hayer, the Renaissance candidate, particularly highlighted the border management facet of the pact on migration and asylum. This set of texts, which was to be voted on in a mini-session on Wednesday April 10 in Brussels, is offered by the president of the Renew group to Parliament as a response ” farm “ And “human” to the migratory problem.

If Valerie Hayer denounced the plan to “military naval blockade” by Marion Maréchal – “There are boats coming, and what are you doing? Do you shoot people? » –she seemed to welcome the support of part of the European extreme right. “Georgia Meloni, she supports the asylum and migration pact that we will vote on Wednesday”, she insisted, to place her interlocutor, an ally of the Italian Prime Minister from the neofascist motion, at odds. The granddaughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen, for her half, listed her targets of “dismantle smuggling trafficking”, “intercept the boats” And “bring them back to their original shores”. “This is what is planned in the asylum and migration pact, it’s wonderful”replied Mme Hayer.

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On Sunday, the Renaissance candidate had already given an interview to Sunday newspaper, additionally held by Vincent Bolloré, to advertise the pact on migration and asylum. To a query from the journalist on the chance of “migratory submergence”she denounced “outrageous caricatures intended to scare”however however sought to reassure the readership of the weekly. “There is no question of welcoming more migrants to France”, she mentioned, after highlighting the totally different filtering methods to which asylum seekers will now must comply.

Dissensions within the marketing campaign workforce

“These media talk about immigration all the time. We might as well try to bring something other than the fantasies and caricatures constantly developed by the RN [Rassemblement national] and Reconquest! »justifies Loïc Signor, the spokesperson for Renaissance (and former CNews), who recalls that Valérie Hayer will also speak on Thursday April 11 on France 2, before traveling the next day at a border post.

The sequence should allow the candidate, on the one hand, to occupy the ground against the RN, which should vote against the pact on asylum and migration on Wednesday in Brussels. “The RN deliberately blocks all the abilities of Europeans to organize because they live from the immigration businesscharges the director of his campaign, Pieyre-Alexandre Anglade. They are not much better than the smugglers, because they have the same contempt for human life. » But also to attack, on the other hand, the candidate supported by the Socialist Party (PS), Raphaël Glucksmann, who opposes the pact, while his group in Brussels, the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in Parliament European (S&D), is in favor of it. “He succeeded in extracting part of the left from the ideological clutches of LFI [La France insoumise] and on the asylum and migration pact, it falls back into caricature”, tackles Renew MEP Pascal Canfin.

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