Russia accuses Ukraine of concentrating on journalists after dying of Russian struggle correspondent | EUROtoday


Russia accused Ukraine this Saturday of intentionally concentrating on their journalists following the dying on Friday of the struggle correspondent of the Russian channel 'Izvestia', Semin Yeremin, who died whereas made a report within the Ukrainian area of Zaporizhia.

“As for the fact that the Ukrainian Army deliberately converts the Russian journalists on target, “This is so,” Dmitri Peskov, Kremlin spokesman, commented on said television channel.

Yeremin, who sent his last report last Wednesday, died the day before as consequence of the injuries received in an attack by a Ukrainian drone, according to 'Izvestia'.

The reporter covered the fighting in Ukraine since the start of the Russian military campaign in February 2022, which includes operations in Maripol and Mrinka, both in the Donetsk region.

The spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mara Zajrova, demanded on Saturday that international organizations and human rights structures firmly and immediately condemn said murder.

“He Double requirements are unacceptable in the case of guaranteeing the rights of the media and the safety of their skilled exercise,” he said on Telegram.

In July of last year, the war correspondent of the official Russian agency RIA Nvosti Rostislav Zhuravliov also died in Zaporizhia when the car he was traveling in was attacked.

In the attack, which occurred when the car was between the town of Vaslievka and the town of Vladmirovka, three more Russian reporters were injured.

Close to one twenty media workers -journalists, producers and translators- have died since 2014 covering the war in Ukraine, a third of them Russians, according to human rights organizations

The Russian army partially controls Zaporizhzhia, southern Ukrainian region annexed by Moscow in September 2022 and which houses the largest nuclear power plant in Europe.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov assured on Friday that his country not declare a truce not even during future peace negotiations with Ukraine.