Macron calls on Abbas to reform the Palestinian Authority | EUROtoday

Stéphane Séjourné had affirmed that the popularity of a Palestinian state was “not not a taboo for France.” This Wednesday, May 29, Emmanuel Macron referred to as on the president of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, to “ implement the essential reforms” in “ the prospect of recognition of the State of Palestine,” reported the Élysée in a press launch.

During this phone interview, the French president “ marked France's commitment to working to build with its European and Arab partners a common vision of peace that offers security guarantees for Palestinians and Israelis” and to ” place the prospect of recognition of the State of Palestine in a useful dynamic.”

READ ALSO The tragic farce of the Palestinian state In this perspective”, Emmanuel Macron “ recalled France's support for a reformed and strengthened Palestinian Authority, capable of exercising its responsibilities throughout the Palestinian Territories, including in the Gaza Strip, for the benefit of the Palestinians. The head of state also “ underlined France's determination to work with Algeria and its partners in the UN Security Council so that he expresses himself strongly on Rafah as well as to continue the efforts around the French draft resolution.

There tragedy » of the bombing in Rafah

The Israeli bombing of a displaced persons camp in Rafah is “ a new tragedy,” he mentioned, addressing “ its sincere condolences to the Palestinian people for the intolerable human toll of the operation in Gaza.”

On Tuesday, Algiers distributed to different members of the Security Council a draft decision which “ decides that Israel, the occupying power, must immediately stop its military offensive and any other action in Rafah,” in response to the textual content consulted by AFP. Paris, for its half, placed on the desk, on the finish of March, one other textual content aimed specifically at making ready for the post-war in Gaza, however which continues to be the topic of negotiations.

Faced with hate mongers and terrorist movements, it was all the more urgent to relaunch peace efforts and put an end to the systematic postponement of the implementation of the two-State solution and the establishment of a Palestinian state,” says the Élysée.

Three European international locations, Spain, Ireland and Norway, formally acknowledged a State of Palestine on Tuesday May 28 with the acknowledged intention of advancing peace, a transfer which angered Israel. Emmanuel Macron mentioned to himself “ ready to recognize” such a State, however “ at a useful time”, not under the influence of the ” emotion.”