The opposition Xchitl Glvez challenges the elections | EUROtoday


“This doesn't end here,” the candidate superior Xchitl Glvez, defeated by greater than 30 factors within the Mexican polls. The opposition customary bearer has knowledgeable the nation, by her social networks, that she goes to contest the elections “because we cannot allow us to have another election just like this one.”

Glvez has reacted on this strategy to the confusion and doubts which have arisen amongst his ranks. “We all knew that we were facing unequal competition against the entire State apparatus dedicated to favoring their candidate,” criticized the standard-bearer of the coalition made up of the historic events National Action Party (PAN), Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) and Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD).

“Today more than ever we must defend our democracy and our republic. “The checks and balances and the division of powers stay in danger,” Xchitl added. The ruling party has achieved a qualified majority of 2/3 in Congress and also narrows it in the Senate, which would facilitate what is known as López Obrador's Plan C to take control of justice.

“We are the resistance and we should do what we now have to do: defend Mexico from authoritarianism and unhealthy authorities,” he assured.

With the scrutiny of almost 92% of the polling stations, Claudia Sheinbaum has obtained 59.13% of the support, compared to 27.87% for the opponent, while Jorge Álvarez Mynez, from the Citizen Movement, maintains 10.46 of the votes.

The opposition standard bearer took advantage of her complaint to point out again the bloodiest electoral process in history. “We all realized how organized crime was current, threatening and even murdering dozens of candidates and candidates,” he concluded.