FBI Create Task Force to analyze assaults towards Tesla | EUROtoday

FBI Create Task Force to analyze assaults towards Tesla
 | EUROtoday

The FBI has launched a brand new Task Force to analyze current assaults towards Tesla.

Ben Williamson, deputy director for FBI public affairs, declared in an X submit on the “agency” has launched a job power to coordinate investigative actions and repress violent assaults towards Tesla “, whether they are retailers, charging stations or individual cars.

Tesla focuses on IA, but investors wonders where the money goes

The company is focusing a lot on artificial intelligence, but investors begin to wonder where the money really end. As reported by the Financial Times, a discrepancy of 1.4 billion dollars between the declared expenses and the actual value of the assets purchased raises doubts about internal controls.

USA, President Donald Trump buys a Tesla

The sum – underlines the FT – is large enough to have importance also for Tesla, and arrives at a time when the attention is returning to the group numbers, now that its evaluation of the stock market has collapsed from 1,700 billion to less than 800 billion.
