Warning NHS on verge of collapse after dad forced to wait nine hours for an ambulance

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The is on the verge of collapse as a result of rocketing demand, a consultant has claimed, after a man revealed he had been forced to wait nine hours for an ambulance. Peter Neville, a gastroenterologist who works in , set out his concerns in a lengthy series of tweets in which he addressed the recent nursing over pay.

He said: “They know that if the government wins this, nursing will collapse anyway. The junior doctors are militant. A strike vote very soon. This is about money. But it is also about working conditions. Because if conditions don’t improve, the NHS will fall. The staff have had enough.”

Meanwhile, Darrel Wilson urged people who need critical care to “get a taxi” rather than dial 999 after his harrowing experience.

The 54-year-old, from Stoke, called for an ambulance at 10.20pm on October 8 last year because of chest pains.

But paramedics didn’t arrive until 07.46am the next morning – 81 minutes after he had been driven to A&E by his wife Debbie Wilson, 57.

Darrel, a JCB worker, said: “The nurses have said that if I had waited any longer for the ambulance, I wouldn’t have a stent and I wouldn’t be alive.”