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Nicole Belloubet was appointed Minister of National Education on Thursday, changing Amélie Oudéa-Castéra. Former rector, she must care for a college which suffers from quite a few ills, particularly by making use of the “shock of knowledge” desired by Gabriel Attal, however which the academics oppose.

Government precedence, will schooling lastly be capable to regain its the Aristocracy? This is the heavy mission that awaits Nicole Belloubet, third minister to arrange store on Rue de Grenelle in six months and even fifth Minister of National Education in lower than two years – after Jean-Michel Blanquer, Pap Ndiaye, Gabriel Attal and Amélie Oudéa-Castéra.

Nicole Belloubet hoped, Friday February 9, in the course of the handover ceremony with Amélie Oudéa-Castéra – who’s leaving the ministry after 28 days of controversy – the institution “very quickly of a dialogue” with academics . “I will focus on it from next week. You can count on my commitment,” she stated.

The new minister is aware of that she is arriving in a minefield, inside an establishment stricken by doubt and which suffers from quite a few ills. The academics additionally went on strike on Thursday 1er February and Tuesday February 6, to precise each their discomfort and their opposition to the applying for the following college 12 months of Gabriel Attal's reforms, particularly the institution of stage teams in French and arithmetic in courses of 6e and 5e.

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Entitled “shock of knowledge”, the previous minister's plan introduced in December goals to lift the extent of scholars, whose disappointing outcomes had been as soon as once more highlighted, on December 5, by the worldwide Pisa research. Dedicated to the schooling techniques of OECD international locations, it revealed after the Covid-19 disaster an “unprecedented decline” within the efficiency of scholars in all member international locations, and particularly among the many French.

Among the 38 OECD international locations, France is ranked 22e in math, 24e in studying comprehension and 22e in science. Results “among the lowest ever measured”, in response to the OECD. In arithmetic, between 2018, the date of the final Pisa research, and 2022, it skilled “a historic drop in student levels”, highlighted Éric Charbonnier, schooling specialist on the OECD, in December.

Marked by a really robust weight of social origin within the success of scholars, France additionally stays “one of the OECD countries where the link between the socio-economic status of students and the performance they obtain in Pisa is the strongest,” indicated the OECD.

“Public schools are not far from collapse”

The reasons for this poor performance are multiple. The unions mainly highlight the lack of teachers. “The Pisa survey is a mirror of the results of the policies carried out in recent years,” Sophie Vénétitay, general secretary of Snes-FSU, the main secondary education union (middle and high schools), told France 24. “However, to enhance the extent and scale back inequalities, we should act on a number of levers: firstly guaranteeing that there’s a trainer in entrance of the scholars, but in addition engaged on the attractiveness of the educating career, on their coaching and on the educational situations of the scholars. Because once we are in a category with diminished numbers, we will progress higher,” judges the commerce unionist.

In truth, practically 8,865 educating positions have been eradicated in public secondary schooling since 2017, in response to Snes-FSU, and France has the busiest center and highschool courses in Europe. Added to those deletions are resignations. These have been consistently rising for ten years: from 399 in the course of the 2012-2013 college 12 months, they jumped to 2,411 in 2020-2021, in response to figures from the Ministry of National Education. Finally, National Education is discovering it more and more troublesome to recruit. In 2023, of greater than 23,800 open positions in public schooling, 3,163 haven’t been crammed.

“Between the lack of teachers, the resignations, the loss of meaning, public schools are not far from collapse,” laments Sophie Vénétitay.

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One of the principle causes for these difficulties is the salaries of academics, thought of too low. There are due to this fact fewer candidates for aggressive examinations, which ends up in a drop within the stage. Thus, the admission threshold continues to fall. For instance, for the Mathematics Capes it went from 9.5/20 (for 4,000 candidates) in 2006 to eight/20 (for two,000 candidates) in 2021, underlines Le Point. Same statement within the first stage: the brink for admission to the exterior competitors for college academics fell in 2021 to eight/20 within the Versailles academy and even to six/20 within the Créteil academy, in response to figures from the ministry.

Furthermore, the dearth of academics typically means they aren’t changed when they’re absent. Two million hours of classes had been thus not supplied between 2018 and 2019, in response to a report from the Court of Auditors revealed in 2021.

Finally, the dearth of autonomy of instructional institutions has additionally been identified for a number of years, notably by Emmanuel Macron. The Pisa research proves him partly proper. “The more autonomy schools have, the better the average results in mathematics; however, this relationship is more likely to hold true if educational authorities and establishments have certain quality assurance mechanisms,” underlines the OECD.

Criticism of “nonsense about the restoration of authority or the wearing of a blouse”

Will Gabriel Attal's “clash of knowledge” make it potential to resolve these many difficulties of the French college? Nicole Belloubet is now liable for implementing her measures, a selection which surprises the Snes-FSU.

“She is someone who knows National Education because she was rector (of the academy of Limoges then of Toulouse between 1997 and 2005, Editor's note), but we really wonder which minister she will be. Will she be will she be able to bang her fist on the table like when she resigned or will she be on the same line as the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister on uniform and level groups?” asks Sophie Vénétitay.

At the pinnacle of the Toulouse academy in 2000, Nicole Belloubet resigned in 2005 with a bang, criticizing the dearth of sources supplied by the federal government of Jean-Pierre Raffarin. And in an article revealed in 2016 within the journal Après-demain, she criticized the “nonsense about the restoration of authority or the wearing of the blouse”, orientations defended at present by Emmanuel Macron and Gabriel Attal.

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Friday morning, in the course of the switch of energy, the minister took care to say “the values ​​of respect and authority”. A means of exhibiting that she endorsed this coverage. But she additionally stated she wished to “do everything to put in place a system which contributes to reducing social inequalities, which refuses any social sorting and which does not exclude students through failure”. Words this time meant for many who worry a sorting between college students that might end result from stage teams in French and arithmetic in center college in 12 months 6e and 5e.

“She is aware that she is arriving in an incandescent context. I note that she did not use the expression 'level groups' and that she spoke of the fight against inequalities. Now, she must takes action. Its first gesture cannot be to publish texts which are unanimously against them”, insists the overall secretary of Snes-FSU.

Sophie Vénétitay refers back to the vote, Thursday night, of the Superior Council of Education. Asked to touch upon the textual content organizing the extent teams, this consultative meeting rejected it with 67 votes in opposition to, one abstention and no votes for. If the manager and academics agree on the statement of the malaise present in school, the treatments to treatment it are debated.