bonuses of between 500 and 1,500 euros for mobilized civil service brokers, pronounces Stanislas Guerini | EUROtoday

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The Minister of the Civil Service, Stanislas Guerini, introduced, Saturday March 9, that public brokers mobilized throughout the Paris Olympic Games, which is able to happen from July 26 to August 11, would obtain “bonuses of 500, 1,000 or even 1,500 euros”relying on their diploma of involvement and the affect of the occasion on their occupation. “There will be a system for all public officials who are directly involved in the Games”declared the minister, on Franceinfo.

“A special, additional device” is deliberate “for the security forces, who will be particularly mobilized”added the minister, a number of weeks after the federal government's announcement of bonuses of as much as 1,900 euros for sure cops and gendarmes.

Stanislas Guérini additionally introduced that 10,000 common service employment checks (CESU) can be paid to civil servants mobilized throughout the Olympics, as much as 200 euros per little one as a normal rule and 350 euros per little one for single-parent households. “We are going to set up crèche places, reserve 1,000 places in holiday centers to be able to further help families who send children to camp”did he declare.

“The whole country wants there to be no strikes”

“The whole country wants there to be no strikes”he additionally insisted, two days after requires a strike launched by the General Confederation of Labor (CGT) and Force Ouvrière (FO). “This moment must be a moment of success for the nation”insisted the minister on Franceinfo radio. “I meet a lot of public officials, there is not one who has announced to me their intention to strike [pendant l’événement] »he assured.

On Thursday, the general secretary of the CGT, Sophie Binet, affirmed that the union would file strike notices in April in the three branches of the civil service (state, territorial, hospital), for the period covering the Olympic Games. A few hours after this announcement from the first public sector union, the second (Force Ouvrière) followed suit by announcing a strike notice running from March 19, the day of inter-union mobilization for the salaries of public employees, to September 8 .

The CFDT (French Democratic Confederation of Labor, third union) and the UNSA (National Union of Autonomous Trade Unions, fourth) have conversely made it known that they are not calling, at this stage, for mobilization in the function public during the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

On Saturday, Stanislas Guerini judged “very inaccurate” the unions' assertion that there can be no dialogue with the federal government to arrange for the Olympic Games. A gathering between the administration and the unions is deliberate for Tuesday, he harassed.

The World with AFP

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