Fly-tippers and litter louts pays to scrub up their mess | Politics | News | EUROtoday

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FINES paid by fly-tippers can be used to scrub the mess they make underneath new guidelines coming into drive tomorrow.

Criminal gangs that blight communities by dumping waste illegally and people responsible of littering will contribute on to preserving neighbourhoods tidy, as a part of the Government’s Anti-Social Behaviour Action Plan.

Money raised from fines can be ring-fenced to be used in clean-up operations or to forestall future offences, for instance by recruiting extra enforcement officers.

Councils handled 1.08 million fly-tipping incidents and issued 69,000 fastened penalty notices final yr, when the utmost tremendous was elevated to £1,000.

Recycling Minister Robbie Moore stated: “Litter louts and career waste criminals need to know we are cracking down hard. Their inexcusable crimes spoil communities, create dangers for children and threaten wildlife.

“We’ve already increased the maximum fines for these damaging crimes and now money raised from bringing them to justice will ensure more enforcement and help to clear up their sickening mess.”

Local authorities have additionally been given new powers to deal with fly-tipping together with the power to cease, search, and seize autos. Funding of £1.2 million for measures comparable to CCTV cameras was supplied with an additional £1m to be awarded within the spring.

Country Land and Business Association President Victoria Vyvyan stated: “We welcome these regulations that ringfence receipts for enforcement and clean-up operations, and urge local authorities to use the revenue to help clear up waste dumped on public and farm land, and clamp down hard on offenders.

“With one million incidents on public land alone last year, fly-tipping blights communities and the landscape, damaging the environment, risking public health and costing taxpayers thousands to clear up.

“As well as incidents on public land, farmers are also victims of fly-tipping and have to pay to have dumped waste removed from their land, only adding to the injustice. Therefore fixed penalty notice receipts must be used to help clear up incidents on both public and private land.”