Vladimir Putin's present of drive in the course of the commemorations | EUROtoday

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“M“Grandmother fought in the Second World War, as did many other members of my family,” proudly explains Irina, who got here together with her daughter and granddaughter Elena by prepare from the Russian metropolis of Belgorod to attend the army parade. “It is vital to have a good time the victory in opposition to Nazism, the triumph of excellent over evil all through the world. » For Russians, May 9 turned crucial vacation within the nation, so 1000’s braved the freezing wind and snow to journey to central Moscow and have a good time “Victory Day “.

“I couldn't see much,” murmurs, disappointed, Elena, 13, clutching in one hand a teddy bear with the St. George ribbon tied around its neck, the Soviet symbol of victory. , and the red flag in the other. The majority of the public can only glimpse the military parade through the iron bars surrounding Red Square, since the ceremony itself is only accessible with special invitations.

For the population, numerous concerts and numerous military exhibitions are organized, such as at Mount Poklonnaïa, a famous hill in the Russian capital, where Western tanks captured during the war in Ukraine are exhibited. Mourad intends to go there. “I would have added German tanks from the Second World War, so that people understand why Russian soldiers continue to die today on the battlefields,” says the man from Tajikistan.

A parallel between the two wars that Vladimir Putin never fails to draw. In his prelude speech to the military parade, the Russian head of state, re-invested two days earlier for a new presidential term, insisted on the fact that Russia is still fighting Nazism. Westerners are “demolishing the memorials of the real fighters against Nazism and putting Hitler’s traitors and collaborators on pedestals.”

Only nine presidents of “allied” countries took their places in the stands on May 9 in Moscow for the military parade. But it is the West that this demonstration of force is aimed at. “Russia will do everything to prevent a global shock, but, at the same time, we will not allow anyone to threaten us,” declared Vladimir Putin, who reaffirmed that the country’s “strategic nuclear forces” are “ready for combat” . Three Yars nuclear missile systems, with a range of more than 10,000 kilometers, were also presented on Red Square.

A single tank

However, Russia's display of military strength was not complete. We identified three times less equipment and five times fewer planes than during the 2021 edition. Likewise, only one tank paraded, a T-34 taken out of the museum, while in 2022 T tanks -90 and T-14 took part in the parade. In many Russian regions, concerts and fireworks have been canceled, so as not to waste money that could be spent on the front, according to the mayors of these Russian cities.

“It seems to me that a large number of people do not understand that we still celebrate this holiday today, because, for them, it was a holiday which carried the meaning “Never again”, and now a lot of things are repeated,” analyzes Kirill Martynov, editor-in-chief of the Russian opposition media Novaya Gazeta.

“February 24 spoiled this celebration. Now I only feel shame and pain, whereas before I loved this holiday, for me it was the embodiment of everything that is right. The promise that there will never be another war,” laments Elena, a stay-at-home mom.
