Crime: CDU politician Kiesewetter attacked in Aalen throughout election marketing campaign | EUROtoday

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On Saturday, Bundestag member Roderich Kiesewetter was attacked by a person at a CDU election stand in Aalen, east of Stuttgart, and was barely injured. The police introduced this. The man pushed and hit him. Kiesewetter suffered minor accidents. He was not given medical remedy on the spot. The suspected perpetrator fled. Police measures are nonetheless ongoing, the spokesman mentioned. However, the person is understood to the police. The “Schwäbische Post” was the primary to report on this. According to the police, the person is an Aalen native council candidate from a celebration near the lateral thinker motion.

The incident occurred on Saturday at round 9:15 a.m. in the marketplace sq. in Aalen, police mentioned. The suspected perpetrator is 55 years previous. “Nothing is known about the background to the attack,” the assertion continued.

Kiesewetter informed the “Schwäbische Post” that he had been verbally attacked. Then he had been jostled. “I didn't know who the person was. When I told him to stop, he tore the roof of the campaign stand with him.” He then wished to take an image of the person and adopted him. “When he saw that, he hit me and pushed me into a raised bed and also gave me abrasions.” Shortly afterwards, the police got here and he provided to drop the grievance if the particular person in query apologized.” Now, CDU safety professional Kiesewetter says he desires to attend and see whether or not the police can get the person to apologize.

A cross-party alliance known as for a vigil on Sunday (2:30 p.m.). The initiators wish to kind a human chain within the metropolis middle underneath the motto “Solidarity against violence, hatred and incitement.” Numerous politicians additionally confirmed their solidarity with Kiesewetter. Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser wished him a speedy restoration. “Violence is never acceptable in our democracy and must be punished quickly and harshly,” wrote the SPD politician on the X platform.

Green Party chief Ricarda Lang, who represents the neighboring constituency of Schwäbisch Gmünd, informed X: “If one of us is attacked, we all stand together as democrats!” Federal Education Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger (FDP) additionally introduced on the platform: “The sad reality is that hardly a day goes by in this election campaign without reports of attacks on people who are committed to democracy. But the fact remains: violence must never win.” Both politicians wished Kiesewetter a speedy restoration.

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