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On TF1 and France 2, Emmanuel Macron referred to as on voters to vote and warned in opposition to an excessive proper that would “block” the EU

Thursday night, the President of the Republic spoke on 8 p.m. on TF1 and France 2. Emmanuel Macron spoke on a number of present points, notably the 80e anniversary of the D-Day landings, the struggle in Ukraine and the European elections. Three days earlier than the election, Arcom introduced that the president's feedback on the European elections could be deducted from the talking time of the candidate of the presidential camp, Valérie Hayer.

Thursday night, Mr. Macron notably thought of that it was his “function to intervene immediately [jeudi] », ” first because'[il] sees the levels of abstention that there are everywhere in Europe but also in France”. “And so I really call on our compatriots to go and vote on June 9”continued the Head of State, citing the British who may have regretted not having gone to the polls during Brexit in 2016.

“All the oppositions [ont] personalized », this election, retorted the head of state, criticized by the latter for having been too involved in this campaign. Before continuing: “This is where I find the debate funny. That is to say that there is not one day, there is not one television news, there is not one expression or the entirety of the oppositions and in particular the extreme right, Who are they attacking? The president of the Republic. »

He thus estimated that the second fight of these European elections, in addition to the fight against abstention, is the fight against the extreme right. “If tomorrow France sends a very large far-right delegation, if other major countries do so, Europe could find itself blocked”warned Emmanuel Macron. “What is a Europe where the extreme right will be strong? If there is a pandemic again, it is a Europe that will not protect you”he stated, subsequently including: “These are individuals who provides you with chloroquine or the Sputnik vaccine. »

While journalist Anne-Sophie Lapix asked him: “Aren't you supposed to bring down the extreme right? »in reference to one of the commitments of the Head of State during his first election in 2017, he replied: “That’s what I’m doing here, speaking, trying to convince. (…) I'm on the ideas, I'm not going to comment on the pollss. »